Universal Termsrv Patch Windows 7


This limitation can be bypassed by applying an unofficial modification called the Universal Termsrv.dll Patch, which is provided by a developer who goes by the handle DeepXW: 10 Steps total Step 1: Download.

The tool which I retained is a tool called Universal Termsrv.dll patch. It’s working for XP, Vista and W7 based systems, where for the first two there are registry keys and for W7 (x86 and x64) there is a small application, which replaces some dlls (yes, there is a restore option). Right-click on the patch program and select to Run as administrator. On the program, click the Patch button and it will replace the Termsrv.dll file and perform the Registry modification. It will also save a backup so you can later undo the modification if desired. Next, restart your computer for the modification to take effect. Now you just need to enable incoming remote desktop connections. Here’s how to do so with Windows 7 or Vista. There is a new patch called Universal TermSrv Patch available for Windows 7 computers. Download the zipped file and extract the content onto your computer. There are 2 patch executable files, one for 32-bit and one for the 64-bit edition of Windows 7. Launch one that suits your operating system you want to patch. Windows 7 is a one-user-session-at-a-time client OS. If you want simultaneous separate user sessions on the same machine, in Windows, you'll need to use a Server OS and Remote Desktop Services. I am on Windows 7 x64 Ultimate fully updated. I tried the script from the first post of this forum, I tried the patch from TCP-Z, Best TCP/IP Patch: Universal Termsrv.dll Patch V1.0b Build 20090425 Release. I tried to copy manually the dlls. I verified the relevant registry keys (fDenyTSConnections, fSingleSessionPerUser, etc). Patch works in realtime in 2 stages. Stage 1: Apply patch to the Terminal Services process memory (that's why no reboot required). Stage 2: Patch the termsrv.dll in the system folder. Also it can install RDP display redirector driver (rdpdr.sys) with devcon utility (built-in program). And there are some useful features (tweaks).

Multiple RDP sessions is disabled on Windows servers. It means that if you are working on the server and at the same time another administrator connects, you get disconnected, because the other admin takes over. How to enable multiple RDP sessions? There is a simple way to do it and I’ll show you how to do it on single server or on a group of servers (via GPO).

There is many use cases when you need to enable concurrent remote sessions for a Windows system. When working for an organization and using W2008 (R2), W2012 (R2) servers as file systems, DCs, and where you work with several admins in a team, this setting is handy.

For the client systems (XP, Vista, Windows Seven), that’s another story. You would probably won’t do it at your organization, but at home, you do what you want, right? -:). For Windows client based systems you cannot (legally) activate multiple sessions, because it’s restricted by Microsoft. But there are some tools I’ll show ya.

How to enable multiple RDP Sessions – single server option

There is a simple way to do it, but depending if your domain reinforces a single sessions through group policy, you might need to configure that through GPO at the domain level.

To activate concurrent remote sessions on W2012 or W2012R2 (note that this works as well for 2008 and 2008R2)

  • Go and open regedit and locate the tSingleSessionPerUser key and change the default value from 1 to 0. No need to restart.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal Server

How to enable multiple RDP Sessions on W7 (or Vista, XP) systems.

Here it comes, not legal, but handy… There are several tools which can do the job and allow multiple RDP sessions to a computer (or VM) running W7 or Vista. There is two tools that I stumbled on searching google and I found the reference on Microsoft Technet forums actually. But as it’s marked there, it’s against the Microsoft’s TOS, so as it’s being said there, it’s on your own risk…

Normally, when you try to connect to Windows 7 system, and someone has already opened a session (locally or remotely), you basically get a screen like this, where you’re asked if you want to disconnect the other user…

I tried both links, but only one worked for my use case. As I’ve been testing on W7 Enterprise – N based VM, the first tool called Concurrent RDP patcher wasn’t supported on that particular Windows type.

The tool which I retained is a tool called Universal Termsrv.dll patch . It’s working for XP, Vista and W7 based systems, where for the first two there are registry keys and for W7 (x86 and x64) there is a small application, which replaces some dlls (yes, there is a restore option).

Must execute this tool as an admin (right click > execute as an Administrator). You’re prompted for a restart. After reboot, if you re-execute this tool, you got an option to restore your original files, if necessary.

And here is a screenshot showing 2 connections (which one at the console) to a Windows 7 Enterprise – N based VM (x64).

How to enforce a multiple RDP sessions to multiple Windows Servers – through a GPO.

If you’re running Windows Active Directory at your organization and you want to enforce the policy for multiple RDP sessions on a group of servers, you can do it through GPO (Group policy objects). There is many ways you could possibly implement that and it depends on your’s AD structure and your needs. One of the ways (to test it how it works at least) is this one:

  • First, in your console for AD users and computers, create a container where you put the computer account, on which one you want the GPO to to apply.
  • Move the server computer account through the AD console, to that OU you’v just created.
  • Create a new GPO and link it to that container you just created
  • Modify that GPO (right click the GPO and click modify)
  • Go to Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections
  • Set the policy called “Restrict Remote Desktop Services users to a single Remote Desktop session” to disable. Close the console.
Universal termsrv patch windows 7 bootable
  • Open command prompt and enter gpupdate /force to force the application of that GPO to your domain.
  • Test
Learning has never been so easy!

Microsoft offers the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in Windows to allow remote desktop connections, and while most versions of Windows include a RDP client, only the Professional, Ultimate and Server editions offer the RDP server to accept incoming connections.

Unlike server editions of Windows, Microsoft limits the client editions of Windows to one concurrent user, whether remote or local. So if a remote desktop connection is made, no one physically at the PC can use it or even see the desktop without first kicking off the remote user.

However, we'll discuss how you can remove this limitation so that multiple users can log in simultaneously. Thus a remote user(s) can log in to their account while also allowing a local user to log in to their account when physically at the PC.

This limitation can be bypassed by applying an unofficial modification called the Universal Termsrv.dll Patch, which is provided by a developer who goes by the handle DeepXW:

10 Steps total

Step 1: Download

Download the and extract the ZIP file.


Step 2: 32 or 64

Find the patch program you should run based upon your processor. For 32-bit (x86) it's UniversalTermsrvPatch-x86.exe and for 64-bit (amd64) it's UniversalTermsrvPatch-x64.exe.

Step 3: Note

While the patch program will automatically create a backup of the Termsrv.dll file, to be cautious you can manually save a copy yourself. You'll find the file at WindowsSystem32, and to undo the Registry changes it makes, you can save the .reg file that's included with the download and manually edit the Registry to remove the changes shown in the .reg file. For Windows XP you'll want to save the xp.reg file, and for Windows Vista and 7 its vista.reg.

Step 4: Install

Right-click on the patch program and select to Run as administrator.

Step 5: Registry Change

Universal Termsrv.dll Patch Windows 7 Pro

On the program, click the Patch button and it will replace the Termsrv.dll file and perform the Registry modification. It will also save a backup so you can later undo the modification if desired.

Step 6: Restart

Next, restart your computer for the modification to take effect.

Step 7: Enable RDP

Right-click on Computer from the Start Menu and select Properties.

Step 8: Remote Settings

Click Remote settings on the left.

Step 9: Select Option

Universal Termsrv Patch Windows 7 64-bit

Under Remote Desktop, select one of the three options.

Step 10: Add Users

Administrators on the computer will automatically be added to the list of remote users, but if you need to add standard users, click Select Users.

Windows should automatically configure Windows Firewall to allow the RDP traffic to pass through, but if you have a third-party firewall installed on the PC, you may have to manually configure it to allow the traffic.

As with normal remote desktop connections, remember that to remotely connect over the Internet you must configure your router to forward incoming RDP connections to the desired PC. And unless you perform other RDP settings modifications to change the RDP ports in the Windows Registry you're basically limited to configuring one PC on the network for incoming connections via the Internet.

Universal Termsrv Patch Windows 7 Bootable


Universal Termsrv.dll Patch Windows 7 X64

  • How to Enable Concurrent Remote Desktop Sessions in Windows

Universal Termsrv Patch Windows 10 Download